…and on to numbers


As a lover of American history, I was often disappointed in both high school and college when the teachers were never able to get to the end of the book-  we rarely made it to the Vietnam War even, which particularly excited me.  As a Language Arts teacher now numbers are my Vietnam war analogy.  Numbers are something parents and teachers alike would like the children to recognize and be able to write upon entering Kindergarten.  I am happy to say that we have moved on to numbers.  The numbers portion of the HWT curriculum includes work in our work books, but also a supplementary take home work book which really excites the kids!  The nice part for me is that we focus on each number 1-10 twice.  The fun for them is being able to take something home to show their families.  We have finished #1, so you should have seen that, or it is in your child’s cubby.  ImageImageImage

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